Fort Ivan

Put up a semi-temporary fence to keep Crazy Ivan in and any future dogs. Ivan is the only canine that has ever tried to escape. Actually, it's more like lumbering down the driveway.

I found a fence in my front yard buried behind ivy...had to be there 20 years. I cut the ivy way and it fit perfectly to the chicken wire fence I already put up. Sometimes life works!

These hot days are tough on CI. He was in a puppy mood and ran like a race dog all over the yard and pooped out. His breathing is hard and it takes a long time to calm down to normal breaths.

I put a cool t-shirt over him, bring his body temperature down. I can't walk him during the day anymore until it cools.

You think I WANT to wear this!

Might look lame...but it's COOL!

I am proud of my new lawn. The backyard looked like this for many years before the dog fostering venture--

About two months later, it looks like this--
I did the lawn thing for the dogs and just finished laying down more seed and topping to make a perfect rectangle. My pops supplied the topping from his yard's compost pile. I knew all those banana peels would come in handy one day! Actually, the dirt below all the crap was primo for a lawn topping which hopefully will keep the annoying pigeons from munching the seed.


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