Workin' For A Living

I used to give the dogs a snack out of the bag. Not anymore

Zoey has to work for her snacks like chicken jerky or small scraps

I hid a jerky bit in a leftover frozen pizza box
(Trader Joe's Pizza Parlanno rules!)

She's come a long way with commands.
I can now point to the area and she will start searching

She gets all amped up and sniffs so loud
I can hear her from the other room

This took her a long time to find.
She gave up twice, but after
I redirected her she went at it

Carry the box outside for closer inspection (actually annihilation)
she tore it apart and finally got the reward

Something to do in a dog's life!


1 comment:

Kraig McNutt said...

Dang. I'm glad I don't have to work that hard for my beef jerky.