Dog Run: Step-by-Step

The digging started with Mocha. She would go to the end of the yard and dig until she hit water. Then Crazy Ivan started to dig on my new lawn. He left a hole that I filled in, but grass stopped growing there.

Now Zoey decided to dig for water where Ivan left off the other day. I filled in the hole yesterday but this morning she went at it...and she's sick! Dog's energy isn't affected with a cold.

Because of George, a dog I am going to get, we needed a dog run set up. George is a pit who was a bait dog and will kill another dog on contact. Sad many of the rescue dogs have. They are the forgotten ones.

Two of the volunteers found a run for cheap from a gal who raised pits but had to move. They got a good deal and tonight will transport to set up in my yard.

My yard area looked like this a few days ago.

My neighbor's mower has been sitting in my yard for months. It never rains in California so my yard is dry. I went outside to mow the area and the pull cord tore off. I said a bad word.

I packed the mower in my trunk and went over to my dad's house who is a Mr. Fix-it kinda guy. He fixed the spring coil (a challenge) and then we tuned it up. The mower would start.

I got home and mowed the area.

The run will sit in the corner of my yard with plywood on the floor. It is about 10 x 6 which is a good size for the price of $125 plus gas to transport about 90 miles round trip and rental for truck.

George will have a mobile home to live in.

...and a back yard to play in over the bathroom he stays in now. Of course, he will play solo with the other dogs inside.

Another day in the life of a dog rescuer!



Anonymous said...

Dude, your passion is so awesome It's inspiring. I'll be sending a $125 donation in a couple days to help pay for this run.


Joe said... comment i ever got.
its nice to hear passion over obsession. i love doing the blog and seeing the dogs get a fair shake. they are the forgotten ones.
i am using my anger for good...cause i do have a rage inside against those who do evil...and harming dogs for enjoyment is evil imo
u only have to see one of these bait dogs to break your heart. its truly savage. i just wish more men were involved. it's all women!