How do you get three dogs to cohabitate when one of them likes to eat the they say?
Good question!
Calls for improvisation, adaption, creativity.
Let's go for it!
The great thing about being a drummer
(few understand this) is being able to
drive w/one leg, hold the leash w/another,
hold the camera w/the other,
take a picture that captures what you're going after,
and driving at the same time.
The house and place to be!
I set his doghouse up & washed all the
towels and bedding!
making sure the rope was very secure.
Any dog walking by is going to get George up
and running. He is looking out at the street here.
That's all you're going to get Georgie Boy
They don't know it yet, but they are both
going to get baths!
George got one yesterday.
Yes...I made sure I scrubbed the tub
Baaaad dog.
HUGE Doberman that has a bark only
one willing to endure torture can listen to.
It is a howling screech that caused all the
neighbors to position a formal complaint.
The owners are morons!
They have never walked the sits all day long. really need a raging guard dog
in this neighborhood.
Wait.. Is that your house? I have never seen it.
Yo M my folks house.
I grew up there. My old elementary school is up the street. Looks exactly the same as it did in 1970!
During the big 1971 earthquake, I was in third grade. My friend and I discovered a crack in the wall. School was closed that day and we decided to jump the fence to check things out.
We told the principal and through we were big stuff!
My house is in all the pics you see.
SPeaking of bout some shots of your new pad. All I have is a visual of your old room where you slept in your pants from that party where the kid driving went on the wrong side of the road.
You woke up and your dad said, "Matthew...did you sleep in your pants last night?"
That was AWESOME!!!
You and I are the same...we could wear the same clothes for days and not give a hoot. I don't think we would get along with the "in" crowd if we had to wear the latest sunglasses, pants, and shoes.
haha, yes we are. and I'll get some to you in no time.
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