Sally's Time to Shine

Zoey is the cute little puppy...though she's really growing. Hard to believe she was so fragile and bone thin just two weeks ago.

Sally has humbly batted second in the lineup. So she needs a little time to shine.

She is VERY hard to photograph. I can't stand too close to her to get a natural shot. Being so timid, she will always be in motion. Even with the zoom on, it's still difficult to catch a good shot.

Zoey was really amped up on this particular day. I took them both for a walk and Zo was mounting Sally continually. I guess females do that as well. Same when I brought them home in the yard. She just would not leave Sally alone...and paid for it twice!

She has a very graceful look

Here comes Zoey before she got faced

Look at those eyes...she's about had it!

Sally, acting like the big sister is patient...but for how long?

This WAS the final straw...she can take the attacks,
the mounting, the jumping...but NOT any biting!

Sally just gave Zoey a little payback with a quick bite to the nose.
Zo yelped for the second time and backed off.
She'll learn!

1 comment:

Kraig McNutt said...

Sally seems really mellow compared to the rest of the pack.