Mocha Delight!

Meet Mocha...formerly named Rebel.

I was delivered Mocha from Pugs to Pits right from the kill shelter in LA. She was Red Listed and had to be removed. I saw her in craigslist and volunteerd to foster her. She will join Sally as my two rescue dogs.

Because I enjoy Sparky so much, I decided to find a dog similar in temperament and physique. The pittbul seemed like a natural fit. Sally is more Australian Shepherd/Jack Russel mix w/a slightly pit looking head. She was found roaming in my friend's backyard one Sunday morning a few years back, so who really knows what she is.

Sparky, the wonderdog had to go Friday night. When Mocha was delivered, she came inside and Sparky went right up to her. Not good. Both dogs got WAY into it and had to be restrained. Then Mocha went into the crate outside. Sparky went up to the crate and I saw the ugly side of Pits come out. WOW!

I was scared...I cannot lie. Mocha showed a side of herself that was ugly when provoked. It is her natural hardwiring, yet it must be controlled.

Both dogs were separated and when Mocha came inside with her sponsor, McCall, a wonderful volunteer who is in training to be a vet. I decided to give her something to eat. She was muching on spilled dog food from the carpet with gusto.

Mocha proceeded to devour four bowls of dry dog food and six bowls of water in five minutes! This dog was starving!!

No wonder she was so freaked out. Living in a shelter with five dogs, moved to a new home, starving, having another dog rush her...

Thanks to my dog psychology research, I've learned some strong guidelines. And by guidelines, I mean dog truth to live by.
  1. Exercise, discipline, and affection… in that order These are the three ingredients for creating a happy, balanced dog. Most dog owners give only affection, or don’t provide these three necessities in the correct order.

    1. Exercise walking a dog at least one hour every day, and in the correct way.

    2. Discipline giving a dog rules, boundaries, and limitations in a nonabusive manner.

    3. Affection a reward we give to our dogs and to ourselves, but only after the dog has achieved calm submission in our “pack”.
This is dog wisdom!

I took Mocha on three walks Friday to bond and let her establish respect. I did this on a short leash and would stop on occasion to see if Mocha would respond. When she did not, I gave her a pull on the leash to signal I am the leader...when I stop, you stop.

I also allowed her to hear my voice in different tones, from a soft sweet sound to strong commands.

Eventually, Mocha relaxed on the couch and I rubbed her down. This incident with Sparky and Sally for a second seemed like distant history. I now understood why her sponsor McCall couldn't believe she acted this way.

After Mocha drifted off to a deep sleep, she snored like a fat man on a hot summer night. I had the fan blowing on me and noticed a foul smell.

OH NO...did Mocha poop on the couch?

Sally threw up late Friday night, and if you read this blog you know she had the squirts for weeks, so since I returned from house-sitting a few weeks ago, she has had normal bowl movement. Yet, she threw up and I was worried, so I didn't need another problem!

Mocha did not poop...she farts! And she farted a lot! It was brutal as the fan blew the hideous odor my way as I was laying in bed.

Mocha is very sweet. She doesn't not have the energy of Sparky, nor the intense curiosity to explore everything. Mocha is more laid back. On a walk she doesn't pull like Sparky did.

I loved Sparky and will miss her. I see her now and then when I visit my friend...and will house-sit her on their next vacation.

Hopefully Mocha will be adopted soon and be given the TLC she needs...I know she will get it from me!

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