More Sparky Newz...

It's hard for me to just have a dog sit around all day long.
If someone or something is in my presence,
I have to interact now and again.

Last night I went to bed at midnight.
Lately, my sleep schedule is whacked out.
I tried to knock off but could not.

Rather than waste time in the sack
I wasted time in front of the tube watching COPS!
I went back to bed and put Sparky in her pet
cage or carrying vacation home—not sure the
name of this thing, but she is able to go off duty.

This is a dog that had sheepherding DNA and
never goes off duty unless put in the cage.
She never barks in the cage when it’s bedtime.
She barked in the cage after bedtime!
I tried to ignore this, reminded of a friend who
had a baby and took parenting classes about
letting the child cry and not responding to her
every whim and desire.
After more barking, I got up and figured it needed
to go do some business outside.
I let Sparky go outside.
I have a large backyard
that is completely sealed in but for the narrow area next to
my back door. Sparky and I have a deal
—she can go outside with no leash
(I like to have no chain or collar on her)
by herself if she stays away from the narrow walk of escape.
When I let her go outside, I walked to the stove.
Within a second or two I heard loud screaming barks.
This was a panic or serious bark of pain.
All dog owners can tell the difference.
I ran outside with flashlight and saw Sparky next
to an orange tree going nuts.
She was crying loudly (It was 3:30am)
and I was looking for blood on her.
I grabbed a shovel to separate her from a raccoon,
opossum or cat but didn’t see any other animal.
My neighbor across the street had a vicious pit bull that
fought a raccoon and got pummeled.
It died within a week.
Them ‘coons are not to be messed with.
Not sure what she was screaming about,
but it was the reason she was all amped up
in her crate. Turns out she was OK with no
wounds. I just never heard her bark (scream)
like that before.
Two nights of dog sitting and two nights of
seriously interrupted sleep!

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