Sally Found!

UPDATE: 10-16-09
Sally is resting at a friend's house allowing me to keep Buddy (see below posts). She is doing well and finally has peace to heal up. For more pics of her, go HERE.

When I lost Albert & Sally I stopped posting for obvious reasons. I was into a heavy case of the blues.

Then I moved and found Buddy. He was another dog in real need.

Tonight I get home and there’s a call from Williamson County Animal Control… “We’ve got your dog!”

I check my email and there’s an email… “Sally Found…call me or she will die!”

That got my attention.

Since I lost the dogs the best and worst in people have come out. Almost all of it has been “best” but there was an individual looking for a ransom who did not have the dogs but claimed he did. I traced his IP Address. Guess where the email originated from? Cameroon, Africa! I believe in evil and man’s depravity. To tell someone you have their lost dogs, that they are in your living room and you can have them back for money is just plain evil...especially when you do NOT have the dogs at all!

The good people of Fairview, TN have been a blessing. Some of the nicest folks I ever met were part of helping me find my dogs.

Back to Sally…
This poor dog was injured badly. I will spare the details, all to say she was living in real pain and needed surgery to close a bad wound on her right leg. She was living in the woods coming out for food. I guess that’s OK if you’re a raccoon or squirrel, but not a domesticated dog used to sleeping on a carpet floor each night.

I pick her up from animal control tomorrow. If your heart should be moved and you want to help, you can donate on my PayPal account. I am in-between jobs right now and just moved to scale down costs…been at new address three days.

It has been a month since I last saw Sally run off in the woods. Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts from all my readers. I do believe in that stuff and know there is healing in community. Us animal folks imo are a step above the rest when it comes to caring and giving. I always evaluate a community, city, town, culture on how it treats the innocent, vulnerable, and weak. Yes, this is about dogs and animals, but it is so much deeper than that, it is about the dignity of life.

Off the box now…blessings.

More to come on Sally’s rehab.



Kraig McNutt said...

What a blessing and what a great surprise birthday present to you!

"I once was lost but now I'm found," Sally.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad that you found Sally ... and I hope Albert will be home, safe and sound, soon!

I hope Sally is better by this posting!

Take Care!

Small Footprints